Master's degree candidates are strongly encouraged to also apply to become a fellow of the École Normale Supérieure, also known as a "Normalien", a prestigious status in the French academic system. 

Being a Normalien leads one to obtain a double degree (the Master in Cognitive sciences degree + the École Normale Supérieure degree), with relatively few additional requirements. 

Plus, it gives one a number of very important benefits:

1) For the Normalien International Selection track (only for foreign applicants), being a Normalien entails:
- A scholarship of around 1000€ monthly
- The right to have a student room at the École Normale Supérieure
- A very high probability of securing a PhD scholarship after the master's program

BEWARE!!! The application to the Normalien International Selection track is way earlier than Master's application. Application procedure is here, and the deadline for the Normalien International Selection track is December 12, 2024 (23h59, Paris time).

Students admitted to the Normalien International Selection track will automatically be admitted to the Master's program. However, International Selection candidates are encouraged to apply for the Master's program in parallel on the PSL portal. The two processes are independent of each other and represent two parallel routes into our program, so dual application increases the chances of eventual admission.


2) For the Normalien University track (both French and foreign applicants), being a Normalien entails:

- The right to have a student room at the École Normale Supérieure
- A financial support for an internship abroad (or to pass the Cambridge Certificate)
- Virtually automatic access to a PhD scholarship 

Application to the Normalien University track is AFTER the submission of your Master's application. You can find more information and deadlines here.

It is important to note that in order to apply for the Normalien University track at the Master level, you must have previously applied for the Master's program on the PSL portal. Otherwise, your application for the Normalien University track will not be considered.